Thursday, 9 July 2015


 When you are lost and don't know where to turn, you have searched for a way to get that connection with the "Most High" and you failed. Looking for a guide?, Well, here you are.

   To you whose faith is strong but still feels you are not getting it right in your ministry, all you just need is an Eye-opener, a "light through your path" kind of help. This book has been specially by His Grace and Wisdom of course written down to answer all the questions that trouble your heart....
   A proven practical proof that opens doors of opportunity to assist you grow spiritually which eventually will show in your physical day to day life. As the author of this book said; "This book contains the distilled essence of all that I have learnt in the areas of success in the ministry, goal attainment and calling". 
    This is a book for everybody from all works of life looking for a simple step by step self-explanatory journal to assist, guard and guide them in making the right moves and decisions in growing the faith and climbing higher in life the "right" way, God's way. The author said; "By following the steps explained in the pages ahead, you will move to to the front of the line in life" By The Grace Of God. 
    The Book called "THE HAND OF GOD" is a highly anticipated book all the people that knows the author (Evangelist Okwudili Emenuga, a renowned preacher and a revivalist with a prophetic gift) for his previous life changing works and also because he wants to use his God-given gift to positively touch and change lives all over the world and ultimately bring them closer to their creator.
    This is why he is cordially inviting you the general public to the launching of his new Spirit-led book. It is going to take place on the 15th Of August 2015 at Henry Carr Public Library, Olufeso Street Near Dopemu, Divisional Police Head Quarters( Alabo Police Station) and Time Is 11am. The event shall be graced by some important people like the;
Chairman - Brigade General M.C Ezeoke(rtd)
Guest Of Honour - Assistant Supretendent Of Police Mrs Elizabeth Oi-Ase Okonta(Crime Officer Ofonka Shasha).  
   We are particularly excited about this event because it is going to include a lot of engaging experiences about life changing lectures...
We at Network Consult will be there and I hope to see you there too!.

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